• Since we are at the point when we can question and criticize this season’s Marlins, the Palm Beach Post throws us some fastballs with Fredi Gonzalez’s face all over them. They tell us this:

    Girardi was widely admired by his players. All indications are that Gonzalez has gained similar respect.


    “He talks to you like you’re his son. He doesn’t talk to you like he’s your leader. He’s more of a family-oriented manager. You know if you ever had a problem with anything he’s the first guy you’d feel comfortable going to.”

    So question to all the fish fans — is the team better off with a dictator or a father figure?

    “He has gotten a lot wiser. He’s real good at being the same. He knows that consistency in the chair that he sits in is probably the strongest quality you can have and he’s not going to waver from that.”

    Is he too consistent? He’s a rookie manager, shouldn’t there be some kind of correction?

    Or should we just say that injuries killed the season and it doesn’t matter what the manager did?

  • Opinion